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The biggest change for all of us is developing new business in this new, remote environment. We’re all adept at in-person interactions, but selling remotely, particularly presentations, requires a different set of skills. We've alluded to and mentioned some of these specifically in the past, but thought it might be worthwhile to dive a bit deeper.



More than ever, a clear and concise story is essential for effective selling. As sales teams develop their proposals, make sure they're considering the beginning, middle and end of the narratives they will put out to potential clients. For example, consider the example of the 2001 Army-Navy game that we've highlighted recently. 


  • Beginning: "Following the Sept 11 attacks, the 2001 Army - Navy game featured 2 teams with losing records. Yet it was the most watched college football game of that decade."

  • Middle: "Those moments are coming. We're building programs to make sure our partners are there when the games start back up again. Here's what some of these look like."

  • End: "College sports are going to be at the center of a national catharsis. Let's make sure your business is there for it."  



The best sales people are great at improvising during in-person meetings. Remote meetings tend to be more direct and amplify any uncertainty or hesitation. More than ever it's important to do front end research on:


  • The person: How long in the role, where were they before their current job, what experience do they have with sports programs, where they went to school, etc.

  • The company: Other sponsorship investments, what advertising are they running, their competitors, their competitor's activity, community engagement initiatives, etc..

  • The industry: How has the industry preformed in down turns, how has it typically emerged during downturns, new product/service offerings in the category, etc. 



A traditional deck that we'd ordinarily present in person should NOT be used online. Attention spans are shorter, body language is more indecipherable, and distractions are all around. When we share slides or present a deck:


  • Use fewer slides and focus on your narrative

  • Avoid text heavy slides

  • Use high quality graphics or charts to convey ideas or data. 

  • Minimize the use of bullet points. 

  • Eliminate animations (distracting and can lag with slower connections).



We've talked at length about the importance of listening over speaking. In virtual environments, build in specific time or slides dedicated to discussion or client feedback. Eliminate any visual distractions that might impact these moments. 



There are a number of things that can be done to enhance your presence when using video conference calls:


  • Center Yourself: Make sure your image in in the middle of the screen 

  • Eye Contact: When speaking, look at the camera, not the person. 

  • Lighting: Avoid back lighting (shadows your face, making you harder to see)

  • Lean In: Don't slouch. Lean in toward the camera to show engagement. Better still, stand. 

  • Pace: Try to slow down your pace of speech. 

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