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University Services

Universities and colleges are facing unprecedented pressure to improve financial performance. Developing new revenue is an essential means for doing so. 


For over 30 years, we've been working with campuses to create, implement and evaluate revenue generating programs.  

Client Experience


​Campus Partnership Program Design and Implementation

While athletic departments have been generating revenue from corporate partnerships for decades, campuses can benefit from marketing-based partnerships as well. An essential first step is identifying and valuing assets that can be delivered to corporate partners as part of a sponsorship package. 


Partner Development

As experienced and proven business development executives, our team can play a critical role creating long term partnerships that generate new revenue.​


Partner Development Training

Creating marketing-centric partnerships can present unique challenges for universities. Our team has trained over 50 university partnership teams of how to prospect, develop, negotiate, and activate corporate sponsorships. More here.​


Naming Rights

An athletic facility naming rights partnership can be the centerpiece of a long term relationship between a sponsor and multiple different parts of a campus. See this case study featuring CSU Northridge and Premier America Credit Union.   


​Multimedia Rights Evaluation

Athletic departments are confronted with an ever evolving array of outsourcing providers and solutions. Having worked with both universities and MMR providers, we're uniquely positioned to help schools identify the best opportunities, including bringing rights back internally. â€‹â€‹

Case Study: CSU Northridge

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